Insert data into a table from a Java form (Netbeans + SQL Server)


I have a form created so that you can enter data on a client and from that form open a button with a button that has the data, so far I have been able to make the button connection. Now my question is how can I send the form data to the table ... I do not want the code, I just need to be told how I do it.

asked by anonymous 03.06.2015 / 16:29

1 answer


JTable has a Table Model ... create a class that extends DefaultTableModel, and mount your model .. modify the template, then make table.setModel (yourModel)


for a class with these attributes

class Cliente{
   Integer id;
   String nome;
   //getters and setters

You can do the following:

class ClienteTableModel extends DefaultTableModel{
     public ClienteTableModel(){

     public ClienteTableModel(List<Cliente> listClientes){
        for(Cliente c: listClientes){
            this.addRow(new String[]{c.getId(),c.getNome()});

Then, in your view, you do this:

List<Cliente> listClientes = buscaClientes();
ClienteTableModel model = new ClienteTableModel(listClientes);
22.06.2015 / 20:44