Imagining that there are 3 planes (A, B, C) and 5 routes and the inserts (A-1; B-2,4,5; C-1,2,3,4,5), I want to select only the planes that have already made flights in all the routes, in this case the C (C-1,2,3,4,5).
I have experimented in many ways, but SQL returns all the planes that have already made at least one route (A-1, B-2.4 and C-1,2,3,4,5).
What do I miss or am I doing wrong?
SELECT a.matricula
FROM Aviao a
SELECT v.cod_rota
FROM Voo v
SELECT r.cod_rota
FROM Rota r
WHERE a.matricula = v.matricula
AND v.cod_rota = r.cod_rota))
Here are my tables:
Aviao (matricula, nome, data_aquisicao, TipoAviao.cod_tipo)
Piloto (, n_aterragens, n_descolagens, n_horas_voo, tipo)
Habilitado (, TipoAviao.cod_tipo, n_licenca, data_licenca)
Rota (cod_rota, Aeroporto.cod_aeroporto_ini, Aeroporto.cod_aeroporto_fim)
Voo (n_voo, data_partida, data_chegada, Rota.cod_rota,
Piloto.id_comandante, Piloto.id_copiloto, Aviao.matricula)