How to create composite key with Entity Framework 6


I have my base model that all classes inherit from it:

public class Base 
   public int Id {get;set;}
   public int ClienteId {get;set;}

And an example model:

public class Grupo: Base
   public string Nome {get;set;}

And a subgroup

public class SubGrupo:Base
  public int GrupoId {get;set;}
  public string Nome {get;set;}

I would like you to create a composite key, for example:

foreign key (grupo_id, cliente_id) references cliente (id, cliente_id)

How do I do this?

asked by anonymous 12.02.2015 / 13:50

5 answers


By Attributes there could be no inheritance. It would look like this:

public class Subgrupo 
   public int Id {get;set;}
   [ForeignKey("Cliente"), Column(Order = 0)]
   public int GrupoId {get;set;}
   [ForeignKey("Cliente"), Column(Order = 1)]
   public int ClienteId {get;set;}

   public string Nome {get;set;}

   public virtual Cliente Cliente { get; set; }

public class Grupo 
   [Key, Column(Order = 0)]
   public int Id {get;set;}
   [Key, Column(Order = 1)]
   public int ClienteId {get;set;}

20.02.2015 / 01:46

I do via Fluent Api

As an example, it is not possible to include a city with the same name for the same state, so my index

this.Property(a => a.Descricao)
                    new IndexAnnotation(new[]
                            new IndexAttribute("IX_Cidade_Descricao_Unique")
                                IsUnique = true, 
            this.Property(a => a.EstadoId)
                    new IndexAnnotation(new[]
                            new IndexAttribute("IX_Cidade_Descricao_Unique")
                                IsUnique = true, 
12.02.2015 / 13:52

Just complementing @CiganoMorrisonMendez's answer, because I believe it's the best answer.

You can keep your structure and add a ForeignKey to an inherited property, but for this you will have to use a MetadaType.

public class Base 
    [Key, Column(Order = 0)]
    public int Id {get;set;}

    [Key, Column(Order = 1)]
    public int ClienteId {get;set;}

public class Grupo: Base
    public string Nome {get;set;}

public class SubGrupo:Base
    public int GrupoId {get;set;}
    public string Nome {get;set;}

public class FK_Grupo_SubGrupo
    [ForeignKey("Grupo"), Column(Order = 0)]
    public int GrupoId { get; set; }

    [ForeignKey("Grupo"), Column(Order = 1)]
    public int ClienteId { get; set; }

But honestly, I do not think it's worth it.

23.02.2015 / 14:27

I edited for another option at the end.

If I get it right, the group sends the subgroup, ie the subgroup is tied to the group. The ClientId left out, because the foreign key is in the wrong entity and ClientId will never be the primary key candidate in another entity, read the options below.

    public abstract class Base
        public int Id { get; set; }

        public int ClienteId { get; set; }

    public class Grupo : Base
        public string Nome { get; set; }

    public class SubGrupo : Base
        public int GrupoId { get; set; }

        public string Nome { get; set; }

        public Grupo Grupo { get; set; }

Note that if you include foreing key in ClientId EF will complain about CASCADE cyclic because it falls on both Group and Subgroup classes, in which case you can either warn EF not to do CASCADE or move the ClientId to Group.

There are polymorphic means of doing this in the DB, but stay on the other occasion.

I see restrictions this way

public abstract class Base
        public int Id { get; set; }        

    public class Grupo : Base
        public string Nome { get; set; }

        public int ClienteId { get; set; }

        public Cliente Cliente { get; set; }

    public class SubGrupo : Base
        public int GrupoId { get; set; }

        public string Nome { get; set; }

        public Grupo Grupo { get; set; }

    public class Cliente
        public int Id { get; set; }

What generates these schemes:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Grupoes] (
    [Id]        INT            IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL,
    [Nome]      NVARCHAR (MAX) NULL,
    [ClienteId] INT            NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT [FK_dbo.Grupoes_dbo.Clientes_ClienteId] FOREIGN KEY ([ClienteId]) REFERENCES [dbo].[Clientes] ([Id]) ON DELETE CASCADE

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[SubGrupoes] (
    [Id]      INT            IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL,
    [GrupoId] INT            NOT NULL,
    [Nome]    NVARCHAR (MAX) NULL,
    CONSTRAINT [FK_dbo.SubGrupoes_dbo.Grupoes_GrupoId] FOREIGN KEY ([GrupoId]) REFERENCES [dbo].[Grupoes] ([Id]) ON DELETE CASCADE

The rest is JOIN.

I'll include a Many-To-Many option to make it more complete.

public abstract class Base
        public int Id { get; set; }        

    public class Grupo : Base
        public string Nome { get; set; }

        public ICollection<Cliente> Clientes { get; set; }

        public Grupo()
            Clientes = new Collection<Cliente>();

    public class SubGrupo : Base
        public int GrupoId { get; set; }

        public string Nome { get; set; }

        public Grupo Grupo { get; set; }

    public class Cliente
        public int Id { get; set; }

        public ICollection<Grupo> Grupos { get; set; }

        public Cliente()
            Grupos = new Collection<Grupo>();

EF creates the intermediate table with the foreign and primary composite keys:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[GrupoClientes] (
    [Grupo_Id]   INT NOT NULL,
    [Cliente_Id] INT NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT [PK_dbo.GrupoClientes] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([Grupo_Id] ASC, [Cliente_Id] ASC),
    CONSTRAINT [FK_dbo.GrupoClientes_dbo.Grupoes_Grupo_Id] FOREIGN KEY ([Grupo_Id]) REFERENCES [dbo].[Grupoes] ([Id]) ON DELETE CASCADE,
    CONSTRAINT [FK_dbo.GrupoClientes_dbo.Clientes_Cliente_Id] FOREIGN KEY ([Cliente_Id]) REFERENCES [dbo].[Clientes] ([Id]) ON DELETE CASCADE
22.02.2015 / 03:50

@Rod reading your question better, I believe what you are trying to do is as follows.

In the example I created two entities, Pessoa and Pedido , where my Pessoa entity has a primary key consisting of columns ClienteId and Cpf , this entity being a 1 to many relationship with Pedido being necessary to have the ClienteId and Cpf properties in our Pedido entity.

Getting the code as follows

public partial class Cliente
        public Cliente()
            this.Pedidoes = new List<Pedido>();

        public int ClienteId { get; set; }
        public string Cpf { get; set; }
        public string Nome { get; set; }
        public virtual ICollection<Pedido> Pedidoes { get; set; }

public partial class Pedido
        public int PedidoId { get; set; }
        public Nullable<int> ClienteId { get; set; }
        public string Cpf { get; set; }
        public Nullable<int> Numero { get; set; }
        public virtual Cliente Cliente { get; set; }

public class ClienteMap : EntityTypeConfiguration<Cliente>
        public ClienteMap()
            // Primary Key
            this.HasKey(t => new { t.ClienteId, t.Cpf });

            // Properties
            this.Property(t => t.ClienteId)

            this.Property(t => t.Cpf)

            this.Property(t => t.Nome)

            // Table & Column Mappings
            this.Property(t => t.ClienteId).HasColumnName("ClienteId");
            this.Property(t => t.Cpf).HasColumnName("Cpf");
            this.Property(t => t.Nome).HasColumnName("Nome");

public class PedidoMap : EntityTypeConfiguration<Pedido>
        public PedidoMap()
            // Primary Key
            this.HasKey(t => t.PedidoId);

            // Properties
            this.Property(t => t.PedidoId)

            this.Property(t => t.Cpf)

            // Table & Column Mappings
            this.Property(t => t.PedidoId).HasColumnName("PedidoId");
            this.Property(t => t.ClienteId).HasColumnName("ClienteId");
            this.Property(t => t.Cpf).HasColumnName("Cpf");
            this.Property(t => t.Numero).HasColumnName("Numero");

            // Relationships
            this.HasOptional(t => t.Cliente)
                .WithMany(t => t.Pedidoes)
                .HasForeignKey(d => new { d.ClienteId, d.Cpf });

21.02.2015 / 13:08