What makes Python a multiparadigma programming language?

on this Wikipedia page lists some examples of multiparadigma language like C ++, Groovy , Oz, Ruby, Scala, Swift, Groovy and even Python . I particularly did not find the explanation so objective considering it.

What makes Python a multiparadigma programming language?

asked by anonymous 23.02.2017 / 18:25

1 answer


It allows you to use various paradigms : P

Knowing that the paradigm is just a pompous name for style , you can program in more than one style . If you are not absolutely sure what a paradigm is and which are the main ones, be sure to read the last link .

Since every mainstream Python language has the basic style of imperative programming , which are the most of the commands that control the flow, variable assignment, etc.

It has an influence on functional paradigm , allowing recursion, use of lambda , understandings of data collections, etc. It is a bit of an exaggeration to say that Python is a functional language, but by marketing it is used, all languages do. In fact it gives to adopt a little the style, but only a little, very little.

In addition, it allows secondary paradigms . The object orientation is the clearest of them. As it allows the use of classes encapsulation, inheritance and abstraction, it conforms to OOP (this paradigm is far from having the importance that many believe it has, and this is not opinion). But the code organization may follow the procedural paradigm also, where only simple functions are used.

Like most dynamic languages (which some even consider to be paradigms), it has reflective ability the structure of your data and codes).

A so-called multi-paradigm language tends to please more people and meets more needs. And in fact it has a true background that Python adopts some extra styles beyond the imperative that is its strong.

Do not rely on the Wikipedia comparative table , there's a lot wrong there. It looks like it was done by someone who does not even understand what the paradigms are.

23.02.2017 / 18:48