First of all I apologize for my ignorance of some concepts, I am new to the area. I recently started in a company where I have the following problem:
I have Datepicker
and when I select a date, I need the chart to change by the date selected.
I have already implemented some fields where statistics change according to the date chosen, using POST
. I tried to do something similar by returning a WebImage
or a Chart by the controller but the graph appears blank.
img id="graf" src="@Url.Action("DrawChartMaq", new { id = Model.maq_id })"
$(document).ready(function () {
dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy',
nextText: 'Próximo',
prevText: 'Anterior',
onClose: function (selectedDate){
var url = "/Efc_Maquina/SetarDatePicker";
var xurl = "/Efc_Maquina/DrawNewChart";
var dia = selectedDate;
var id = @Model.maq_id;
$.post(url, { Datatexto: dia, choose: 1, id: id}, function(data) {
$.post(url, { Datatexto: dia, choose: 2, id: id}, function(data) {
$.post(xurl, { Datatexto: dia, id: id }, function(image){
$("#graf").attr('src', image);
public Chart DrawNewChart(string Datatexto, int? id)
DateTime data = DateTime.Parse(Datatexto);
ArrayList xvalue = new ArrayList(); // valores puxados do BD
ArrayList yvalue = new ArrayList(); // valores puxados do BD
return new Chart(width: 800, height: 400)
.SetXAxis("", 9, 18)
.SetYAxis("", 0, 100)
.AddSeries("Defa", chartType: "Column", xValue: xvalue, yValues: yvalue)
Thank you in advance.
... As I said I'm new to the area and probably have not used the tools correctly and I'm not sure if the solution I found is the right one but I'll share it. I did not need to change the statistics and graph without updating the page, so I solved my problem by redirecting to the same Action Details I was in, passing the necessary parameters to generate statistics and graph with the selected date. I do not know if I am correct but I believe that to redirect when the date is selected, it would not be necessary to be inside POST, I will try to inform myself about it.
$.post("/Controller/View", { id: id, Datatexto: dia }, function (image) {
window.location.href = "/Controller/View/" + id + "?Datatexto=" + dia;})