How does the Xor Swap algorithm work?


I was studying bitwise operations and came across the Xor Swap algorithm. I understand what it does (it exchanges the value of two variables), but I do not understand how it does it, at the computation and coding level.

Follow the algorithm in C :

void xorSwap( int *x, int *y ) {
        if ( x != y ) {
                *x ^= *y;
                *y ^= *x;
                *x ^= *y;

                /* Versão compacta: *x ^= *y ^= *x ^= *y; */
asked by anonymous 17.03.2014 / 01:27

3 answers


It is used to exchange two values without the need for a temporary variable, using xor operations.

To understand it, just look at the xor table and analyze the algorithm step-by-step:



Itshouldbeconsideredthatthispracticeisvalidforoldsystemsand\orwithlittleRAMandtooptimizetheuseoftheregisters.Forcurrentsystems,theuseofatemporaryvariableismoreappropriate(orfunctionsofthesysteminquestion).Asdiscussed here.

17.03.2014 / 01:58

First, let's remember some properties of XOR (exclusive-OR):

  • A ^ A = 0
  • element neutral: A ^ 0 = A
  • commutative: A ^ B = B ^ A
  • associative: (A ^ B) ^ C = A ^ (B ^ C)

Here's an explanation taken from here :

The key to convincing yourself that this works is to keep track of the original values of x and y. Let A be the original value of x (that is, the value x has before executing these three lines of code). Similarly, let B be the original value of y.

We can comment on each line of code to see what's happening.

// x == A, y == B
x = x ^ y ;  
 // x == A ^ B, y == B
y = x ^ y ;  
 // x == A ^ B
 // y == (A ^ B) ^ B == A ^ (B ^ B)  (por associatividade)
 //   == A ^ 0  (devido à propriedade z ^ z == 0)
 //   == A      (devido à propriedade z ^ 0 == z)
x = x ^ y ;
 // x == ( A ^ B ) ^ A
 //   == ( A ^ A ) ^ B  (por associatividade/comutatividade)
 //   == 0 ^ B            (devido à propriedade z ^ z == 0)
 //   == B                (devido À propriedade z ^ 0 == z)
 // y == A

After the second statement has run, y = A. After the third statement , x = B.

17.03.2014 / 01:44

What the exclusive disjunction (XOR) operation is as follows:

Let's say that we have a variable X and Y. When I make a XOR between X and Y, what happens is, when the values are different, it returns a true bit, when they are equal a bit is returned false.

In the XOR swap algorithm , what you do is:

  • Create a "negative" of variable X relative to Y;
  • Make an XOR of this negative with Y, which returns the value of X;
  • Make an XOR between the original value of X (now in Y) with the "negative" of X, which returns the original value of Y.
  • If you use the values x = 12 and y = 10 (as in the link example), we will have:

    x = 1100 / y = 1010
    x = x XOR y
    x = 0110 / y = 1010
    y = y XOR x
    x = 0110 / y = 1100
    x = x XOR y
    x = 1010 / y = 1100

    This is one of exclusive disjunction properties .

    17.03.2014 / 01:56