Remote debug in isolated environments


Work in a company doing bug fixes. Some clients deploy the system to computers on their internal network, so it is not possible to remote debug.

Clients' computers usually have Internet access.

I wonder if there are any tools that would allow remote debugging.

If I created a VPN with OpenVpn , would it solve my problem?

asked by anonymous 29.07.2017 / 12:59

1 answer


My suggestion for you is this:

1) Install Eclipse on any local station (internet server, auxiliary server, or the client station itself.)

2) For the above procedure and remote connection with the client, use the Supreme (TeamViewer FreeWare Copy) or TeamViewer (Freeware only for "personal use"): link

3) At the client station, start the system running the catalina, if it is not configured for debug mode:          catalina.bat jpda start

4) Follow the steps in this link to debug through eclipse:          link

02.08.2017 / 20:59