The best suggestion (and apparently top rated ) is ftp_size
, since it does not open the file or load the entire listing of your folder.
I have not tested or compared constraints, fopen
should also work fine, avoiding the "false negative" of file_exists
(see @Zuul's comment on @mlemos's response) when we analyze errors .
Next we get the suggestion of ftp_nlist, which "kills ant with elephant", but can have its array cached and then reused in other checks (!), that is, it can be an optimal solution in certain cases.
with last folder cache
The use of specialized FTP functions requires some preparation. Here I copy a part of the (also well approved!) Response from link
This is a more elaborate version of @PauloRodrigues' response, where I added the commented preparation and cache suggested above.
function ftp_file_exists(
$file, // o arquivo que se procura
$path = "/SERVER_FOLDER/", //pasta onde ele está
$ftp_server = "",
$ftp_user = "ftpserver_username", $ftp_senha = "ftpserver_password",
$useCache = 1
) {
static $cache_ftp_nlist=array();
static $cache_assinatura='';
$nova_assinatura = "$ftp_server$path";
if (!$useCache || $nova_assinatura!=$cache_assinatura) {
$useCache = 0;
// setup da conexão
$conn_id = ftp_connect($ftp_server) or die("Não pode conectar em $ftp_server");
$cache_ftp_nlist = ftp_nlist($conn_id, $path);
if ($cache_ftp_nlist===FALSE) die("erro no ftp_nlist");
// verificando se o arquivo existe:
$check_file_exist = $path.$file;
if (in_array($check_file_exist, $cache_ftp_nlist)) {
echo "EXISTE, achei: ".$check_file_exist." na pasta : ".$path;
} else {
echo $check_file_exist." não está na pasta : ".$path;
// para debug: var_dump($cache_ftp_nlist);
// lembrar de fechar a conexão ftp
if (!$useCache) ftp_close($conn_id);
} //func
// CUIDADO: o cache não pode ser usado se a pasta está sendo alterada!
Functions used:
Login ftp_connect
@PauloRodrigues' suggestion to get the remote file via ftp_nlist
... same hint of in_array to see if the file is present.