How to show 2 rows in ListBox


It's a simple question, but I researched and could not find something specific to my case. The code below corresponds to searching for data in a table, but when there is more than 1 corresponding value, it replaces the last found value. What I would like is for it to add a line as in the example below:

** The example has no relation to the code


AAA 111 222 333

AAA 111 555 777

Search: AAA

Current result:

AAA 111 555 777 (replaced by AAA 222 333)

What I would like:

AAA 111 222 333

AAA 111 555 777

Private Sub Pesquisar_Click()
    Dim nApol As String
    Dim nApolBanco As String
    Dim nlin As Long
    Dim Linha As Range

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    If Len(Me.TextBox1.Value) > 3 Then

        nApol = TextBox1.Value + TextBox2.Value + TextBox3.Value

        For nlin = 2 To Sheets("Banco de Dados").Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row

            nApolBanco = Cells(nlin, "B")

            If UCase(nApolBanco) Like nApol Then
                MsgBox ("Found")
                ListBox1.ColumnCount = 14

                ListBox1.RowSource = Range(Cells(nlin, "A"), Cells(nlin, "T")).Address

            End If

        MsgBox ("Não encontrado")
    End If

End Sub
asked by anonymous 17.10.2018 / 21:06

2 answers



A noncontiguous Range needs to be created with each Range desired, and in the end populates the ListBox with this data. Because with ListBox.RowSource , the listbox is filled with the desired interval. Zeroing every time this function is called.

And arrays were used to search for the nApol value, because it decreases interaction with the Excel Spreadsheet and is faster.


Dim nApol As String
Dim nApolBanco As String
Dim nlin As Long
Dim Linha As Range
Dim ListaApol As Variant
Dim rng As Range, nova_range As Range
Dim BD As Worksheet
Set BD = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Banco de Dados")

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Me.ListBox1.ColumnCount = 14
If Len(Me.TextBox1.Value) > 3 Then
    nApol = TextBox1.Value + TextBox2.Value + TextBox3.Value
    With BD
        ListaApol = .Range("B2:B" & .Range("B" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row).Value2
        For nlin = LBound(ListaApol) To UBound(ListaApol)
            nApolBanco = ListaApol(nlin, 1)
            If UCase(nApolBanco) Like nApol Then
                MsgBox ("Found")
                If rng Is Nothing Then
                    Set rng = .Range(.Cells(nlin + 1, "A"), .Cells(nlin + 1, "T"))
                    Set nova_rng = .Range(.Cells(nlin + 1, "A"), .Cells(nlin + 1, "T"))
                    Set rng = Union(rng, nova_rng)
                End If
            End If
        Next nlin
        Me.ListBox1.RowSource = rng.Address
    End With
    MsgBox ("Não encontrado")
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True


  • Creates the ListApol array with the values in column B
  • Performs the loop from the lowest index value of ListApol (Lbound) to the largest value (Ubound) with the variable nlin
  • Find the corresponding values
  • If it is the first time a value is found, that is, rng is Nothing, rng is equal to the desired range. Otherwise, create a non-contiguous range with all Ranges that have the desired value
  • Populate the ListBox with the noncontiguous interval values rng

    The ListBox.AddItem function has a limit of 10 columns, as 14 columns are used, the non-contiguous range solution is the most recommended.

    18.10.2018 / 14:35

    Try this:

    Private Sub Pesquisar_Click()
        Dim nApol As String
        Dim nApolBanco As String
        Dim nlin As Long
        Dim Linha As Range
        Dim arrayItems()
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        If Len(Me.TextBox1.Value) > 3 Then
            nApol = TextBox1.Value + TextBox2.Value + TextBox3.Value
            ListBox1.ColumnCount = Range("T:T").Column
            RowCount = Sheets("Banco de Dados").Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
            ReDim arrayItems(1 To RowCount, 1 To Range("T:T").Column)
            lin = 1
            For nlin = 2 To RowCount
                nApolBanco = Cells(nlin, "B")
                If UCase(nApolBanco) Like nApol Then
                    For coluna = 1 To Range("T:T").Column
                        arrayItems(lin, coluna) = Cells(nlin, coluna).Value
                    Next coluna
                    lin = lin + 1
                End If
            ListBox1.List = arrayItems()
            MsgBox ("Não encontrado")
        End If
    End Sub

    You create an array with the data and at the same time add lines in the ListBox with ListBox1.AddItem and then add the array data.

    18.10.2018 / 15:32