I'm trying to create a document in Excel that will fetch the entered data for example (B1, B2, B3, B4) and with this data generate a QrCode. I do not have any software yet that creates QrCode. I do not know if they recommend one.
Thank you
I'm trying to create a document in Excel that will fetch the entered data for example (B1, B2, B3, B4) and with this data generate a QrCode. I do not have any software yet that creates QrCode. I do not know if they recommend one.
Thank you
As I previously commented , there are direct ways to do this in VBA and the VBA Macro Only project on github may help you. However, there is a fairly simple way to get what you want, if the spreadsheet user has access to the Internet .
Just use an online API like the QR Code Generator service. The following code uses this service to mount a URL with the desired parameters and get the image directly from the Internet:
Sub GenQRCode(ByVal data As String, ByVal color As String, ByVal bgcolor As String, ByVal size As Integer)
On Error Resume Next
For i = 1 To ActiveSheet.Pictures.Count
If ActiveSheet.Pictures(i).Name = "QRCode" Then
Exit For
End If
Next i
sURL = "" + "size=" + Trim(Str(size)) + "x" + Trim(Str(size)) + "&color=" + color + "&bgcolor=" + bgcolor + "&data=" + data
Debug.Print sURL
Set pic = ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert(sURL + sParameters)
Set cell = Range("D9")
With pic
.Name = "QRCode"
.Left = cell.Left
.Top = cell.Top
End With
End Sub
I set up a worksheet to test and put the B3-B7 cell settings. The button has a macro that calls the above code as follows:
Sub GenButton_Click()
GenQRCode Range("B4").Value, Range("B5").Value, Range("B6").Value, Range("B7").Value
End Sub
The result is this:
Thesampleworksheetcanbedownloadedfrom from 4Shared . The API used has other parameters, which can be accessed in the documentation .