Assuming Action of Controller , you can get the file as follows:
private const String DiretorioCurriculos = "~/Curriculos/";
public async Task<ActionResult> EnviarCurriculo([Bind(Include = "CurriculoCandidatoId,NomeCandidato,Email,TelefoneContato,TelefoneCelular,ArquivoCurriculo,SetorPreterido,Comentarios")] CurriculoCandidato curriculoCandidato)
if (curriculoCandidato.Arquivo != null && curriculoCandidato.Arquivo.ContentLength > 0)
string nomeArquivo = Regex.Replace(curriculoCandidato.NomeCandidato + "-" + Path.GetFileName(curriculoCandidato.Arquivo.FileName), @"\s+", "");
string caminho = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath(DiretorioCurriculos), nomeArquivo);
curriculoCandidato.CaminhoArquivoCurriculo = nomeArquivo;
is of type HttpPostedFileBase
You can also manipulate the bytes directly through the InputStream
The file does not exactly have a path
. The file is usually in the request body, through a sequence of bytes.