I'm looking for some way to implement an automatic audio reading on my system. It would work like this: The user would ask a question (typing) and the robot would bring the result and 'read'. I'm looking for something on Node. Thanks!
I'm looking for some way to implement an automatic audio reading on my system. It would work like this: The user would ask a question (typing) and the robot would bring the result and 'read'. I'm looking for something on Node. Thanks!
I have a co-worker of mine who used Google Tradutor
See how he did it in PHP:
$google_url = 'https://translate.google.com.br/translate_tts?ie=UTF-8&q=%se&tl=pt&total=1&idx=0&textlen=5&tk=489936&client=t&prev=input&ttsspeed=0.24';
$text = urlencode('Meu nome é Wallace');
$url = sprintf($google_url, $text);
copy($url, 'meu_arquivo.mp3');
This code can be used in any other language (as long as it supports copying remote files).
See this link works by clicking here
I just discovered that this information is now restricted, and that you can only use this feature through a Translation API .
It also seems like pay for the service .
I found it!
link Very interesting indeed!