bRasilLegis - XML content does not seem to be XML


I am trying to lower the votes of the deputies to the propositions in votes in the Plenum of the Chamber of Deputies, in 2015, through the package bRasilLegis no R. But when I put the proposition number in the "number" argument of the function the following error appears:


Error: XML content does not seem to be XML: 'It was not possible to get the votes of the Parliamentarians.

The given command was as follows:

 votesPec <- obterVotacaoProposicao(tipo = "PEC", numero = 185, ano = 2015). 

I'm not able to identify what I might be putting wrong in the code.

P.S: when I put the example given in the package "help":

votesPec358.2013 <- obterVotacaoProposicao(tipo = "PEC", numero = 358,ano = 2013)

It works normally, so I'm guessing it's something in the command I wrote.

asked by anonymous 21.03.2016 / 04:33

1 answer


The problem is not in your command. This query appears to be invalid, and the camera server itself returns this result.

> httr::content(httr::GET('',
+                   query = list(Tipo = "PEC",
+                                Numero = 185,
+                                Ano = 2015)))
[1] "N&#227;o foi possivel obter os votos dos Parlamentares.\r\n"

Are you sure that a proposition this year and this number actually happened?

21.03.2016 / 22:24