Multiple Selection in Visual Studio


I would like to expand the cursor to the next word that is selected, it is similar to CTRL + F but it makes a copy of the cursor to where the selected word was found, so you can change more than one place of the code at the same time .

  • Using Sublime or Atom the same function is found after selecting the word, using CTRL + D .

Does Visual Studio have a shortcut to equivalent function?

I could not find documentation

asked by anonymous 18.05.2015 / 15:56

1 answer


There is no native shortcut.

But I found a plug-in that can be downloaded here , and has the following shortcuts.

  • CTRL + D - Adds a cursor to the next selected word
  • ALT + CLICK - Adds a cursor in the click area
  • ALT + CLICK DUPLO - Adds a cursor in the click area and selects the word
  • ESC - Returns to single cursor mode

It is a plug-in (shortcut) that is worth investing some time to learn by reducing the work at the time of encoding / typing.

  • After this question, I decided to write this short article about shortcuts, which contains part of the answer.
  • 18.05.2015 / 16:11