Long Polling with mysqli does not return data


The data from the database's .php file does not return, if I change the whole data.php to any html text it returns working the long polling , but if I try to use mysqli it does not return anything.

What can I do to correct this problem?

It is not a SELECT error because if you open the separate data.php it returns the data.


        <script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery.min.js"></script><scripttype="text/javascript" src="client.js"></script>
        <div id="response"></div>



// arquivo cujo conteúdo será enviado ao cliente
$dataFileName = 'data.php';
while ( true )
    $requestedTimestamp = isset ( $_GET [ 'timestamp' ] ) ? (int)$_GET [ 'timestamp' ] : null;

    // o PHP faz cache de operações "stat" do filesystem. Por isso, devemos limpar esse cache
    $modifiedAt = filemtime( $dataFileName );

    if ( $requestedTimestamp == null || $modifiedAt > $requestedTimestamp )
        $data = file_get_contents( $dataFileName );

        $arrData = array(
            'content' => $data,
            'timestamp' => $modifiedAt

        $json = json_encode( $arrData );

        echo $json;

        sleep( 2 );


function getContent( timestamp )
    var queryString = { 'timestamp' : timestamp };

    $.get ( 'server.php' , queryString , function ( data )
        var obj = jQuery.parseJSON( data );
        $( '#response' ).html( obj.content );

        // reconecta ao receber uma resposta do servidor
        getContent( obj.timestamp );

$( document ).ready ( function ()


$conexao = mysqli_connect ("localhost","usuario","senha","db");
$resulta = mysqli_query ($conexao,"SELECT * FROM nome");
while ($exibe = mysqli_fetch_array($resulta)){

<?php echo $exibe['nomes']; ?>

<?php } ?>
asked by anonymous 09.01.2015 / 00:29

2 answers


The problem is in file_get_contents() of your code.

When you use file_get_contents() in a php file (the way it was used in your code), it will return the string of the code ; ie it will not be rendered as php.

What would make the code interpreted as expected would be the include function, but I do not know if that would apply.

I see that you are trying to verify the modification date of the file, but that would be inefficient, since you would have to check a date in the database (since the query is in the database); and at no time in your script does the file date change (by any modification).

I've already used a script very similar to this one to study Long Polling , and your script looks pretty much like I used it. I can assure you that it will not work for operations with MYSQL .

The only way to make it work (not one of the best) is to change


$dataFileName = 'data.php'


$dataFileName = 'http://localhost/sua_pasta_de_testes/data.php';

So you would be really getting an HTML response from your PHP script already running, not just it as a file in a folder. Because file_get_contents works for both your directory and urls files (if the allow_url_fopen of your PHP.ini directive is set to On ).

10.01.2015 / 18:34

This example was the one I posted on my blog. Many times I have been asked how to adapt the example to use the database. Here's how to do it using PDO and SQLite:

$dbFile = 'comments.db';

$PDO = new PDO( "sqlite:" . $dbFile );

while ( true )
    $requestedTimestamp = isset ( $_GET [ 'timestamp' ] ) ? (int)$_GET [ 'timestamp' ] : time();

    $stmt = $PDO->prepare( "SELECT author, comment, timestamp FROM comments WHERE timestamp >= :requestedTimestamp" );

    $stmt->bindParam( ':requestedTimestamp', $requestedTimestamp );

    $rows = $stmt->fetchAll( PDO::FETCH_ASSOC );

    if ( count( $rows ) > 0 )
        $json = json_encode( $rows );

        echo $json;
        sleep( 2 );

If you prefer to use MySQLi instead of PDO, just change the script a bit by modifying the PDO class by MysQLi. But the logic is the same.

I updated the original post with the example using PDO and SQLite. See it here: link

11.01.2015 / 20:21