Use 'WHERE' if value is different from 'NULL' in a search appliance


I'm trying to do a simple search engine with some text fields:

$nome = $request->nome;
$email = $request->email;
$bairro = $request->bairro;

$request = Contato::where('nome', 'like', $nome)
    ->where('email', 'like', $email)
    ->where('bairro', 'like', $bairro)

The problem is that some fields can be empty returning null and mysql does not search anything. You can see the problem because I have the following table:


id | nome | email | bairro
1    aaaa   null     null 
2    bbbb   null     null 
3    cccc   null     null 

And if I type in the field name: 'aaaa' and leave the others empty, nothing is returned. If I comment on the other's 'where ()' lines and leave off the name, it works normally.

Another thing, will have several fields.

asked by anonymous 06.05.2016 / 00:45

1 answer


Friend, I suggest using whereSub of Laravel to do such an operation. It is called internally when you use where with Closure .

I usually do this to make conditions for Where in a search, because as the logic is tied within Closure , I can maintain a good organization. Thus, you can make several conditions for your consultation without having headaches due to countless conditions


$callbackSearch = function ($query) use($request)
    if ($request->has('nome'))
        $query->where('nome', 'like', $request->get('nome'));

    if ($request->has('email'))
        $query->where('email', 'like', $request->get('email'));

    // E assim por diante


The has of Illuminate\Http\Request method will check if there is any value for that input. If there is not, cleverly an excerpt from the where condition is not mounted; but if there is, then there will be the query by the term.

For all those who want to create a search system in Laravel , I would advise doing so, since typing query logic within a Closure will avoid polluting the scope with multiple variables and loose ifs , outside the anonymous function.

For example, this logic without Closure would look ugly to damn like this:

$query = Contato::newQuery();

if ($request->has('nome'))
    $query->where('nome', 'like', $request->get('nome'));

if ($request->has('email'))
    $query->where('email', 'like', $request->get('email'));

$contato = $query->paginate(15);

In the last sentence of your question, you cite that you want to do this logic with several fields. My suggestion is, for you not to repeat the logic I quoted in the first example, you create a list of fields where you want to query and, using the Request::only method, you specify the possible fields to query the bank. You will loop through the array generated by the only method with a foreach and within it, it will check if the value of the field listed is empty and then query if the value is not empty. / p>


$callbackSearch = function ($query) use($request)

    $campos = ['nome', 'email', 'telefone', 'endereco'];

    foreach ($request->only($campos) as $campo => $valor)
        $valor && $query->where($campo, 'like', $valor);


See how it got dynamic. If you add another element in array $campos , you will have a new added condition, brand new.

Note that in the example I used a simplified conditional expression:

  $valor && $query->where($campo, 'like', $valor);

If you're confused when it comes to meaning, I'll explain: It's the same thing as if . However, since I just want to execute something, then I do not "waste time" using keys and line breaks. This short excerpt could be written in the following ways:

if ($valor) $query->where($campo, 'like', $valor);

if ($valor) {
    $query->where($campo, 'like', $valor);

if ($valor != '') {
   $query->where($campo, 'like', $valor);

I just want you to understand that I wanted to decrease the code :).

I hope this helps!

06.05.2016 / 02:03