Trigger for housing system [closed]


I am developing a property system and I need every five minutes the bank to read the information of the property, process and decrypt the information, send a confirmation of processing and discard the information. I'm thinking of doing some trigger, but I do not know how to release it every 5 minutes, can anyone give me a light? (Sorry for the lack of technicality, I'm still starting)

asked by anonymous 30.09.2016 / 15:30

1 answer


As you are planning to perform an action on the bank from time to time, I see that the best option is to use events

Create event teste //bome
On schedule
Every 1 week //aqui é o intervalo

With this event you create field, deletes, executes procedures and triggers, with predefined times and times.

30.09.2016 / 17:58