Save images to the database and then show them in a listview [closed]


I want to save images by sqllite and then display them by listView , but I do not know how. Can someone help? You do not need to show lines of code I just want to know the logic that I should follow or which classes to use.

asked by anonymous 22.12.2015 / 00:32

1 answer


I do not advise you to save the image directly in the data field, but save the image to a folder inside your application and copy and save the Uri in the database in the same way as whatsapp it does with the images you receive from a conversation.

The procedure would be as follows: -Low the Image know which Uri. nice reply here: link "Keep Uri in the database. "At the moment of loading the data into the list, you get all the information including Uri. - Charge the image by Uri using a lib: Picasso, Volley, Glide etc.

22.12.2015 / 09:40