Help writing code [closed]


How do I use Dev-c ++ with this code. How to translate it to C?

I started programming recently, I'm kind of wrapped up to understand some things.

Programa CalculoMedia 
 N1, N2, MEDIA: Real 
Leia N1 
Leia N2 
MEDIA ← (N1+N2)/2 
Se MEDIA >=6 Então 
 Escreva “Aluno aprovado com média: ”, MEDIA 
 Escreva “Aluno reprovado com média: ”, MEDIA 
Fim Se 
asked by anonymous 03.04.2014 / 16:11

2 answers


To transcribe this program into language c, you first need a main method that is equivalent to the instruction programa <nome>

instructions leia and escreva should be replaced by printf and scanf , se by if and end by {

Here is an example of how syntax should be:

#include <stdio.h> // declara printf e scanf, usados abaixo

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {// equivalente ao programa
    int numero; //equivalente ao var
    printf("digite um numero: "); // serve para imprimir caracteres na tela
    scanf("%d", &numero); // leitura de um valor

    if(numero > 10){ // se
        printf("numero maior que 10");
    }else{// se não
        printf("numero menor que 10");
    }// fimse
    return 0;
}// fim do programa
03.04.2014 / 16:24

The IF is wrong missing the keys try like this:

if(MEDIA >=6){
    printf ("Alunos aprovados com media: ", MEDIA);
    printf ("Alunos reprovados com media: ", MEDIA);
03.04.2014 / 16:58