Firebird - Tools [closed]


What are the most commonly used tools for managing Firebird?

I know IBExpert, but it gets paid.

Is there something similar to IBExpert, but free?

asked by anonymous 27.09.2016 / 02:03

2 answers


The site itself provides links to numerous paid and free tools link

Now what is best is something very personal, always has a better than the other, but also has the one that fits you best.

Some tools:

IBExpress is a free version, you need to register to download link

The following features are missing in this release:

  • Visual Query Builder
  • Data Analysis
  • SP / Triggers / Views Analyzer
  • Database Comparer
  • Table Data Comparer
  • Log Manager
  • Import data
  • Print Metadata
  • Extract Metadata and extract blob data
  • Generate HTML Documentation
  • Grant Manager
  • To-do list
  • Report Manager
  • Blob Viewer / Editor
  • Database Designer
  • Test Data Generator
  • ODBC Viewer
  • SP / Triggers Debugger
  • IBEScript and IBEBlock
  • IBExpertBackupRestore
  • Database Monitoring
  • Trace and audit
  • Database Inside
27.09.2016 / 02:19

I do not know what language you program, but for Delphi for example, version 7 has SqlExplorer that already comes built-in Delphi, although it is a very simple tool. In newer versions of Delphi, there is FireDac explorer, which is the SQLExplorer of the current versions, but they are simple tools.

27.09.2016 / 02:29