LIMIT does not interpret the variables


Does anyone know why the variables are not interpreted?

I'm passing via ajax with data:{"inicio=0&fim=2"} and when I try to return to the query I can not.

    url: 'php/teste.php',
    type: 'POST',
    data: "inicio=0&fim=2",
    beforeSend: '',
    error: '',
    success: function(leitura){


$inicio = $_POST['inicio'];
$fim    = $_POST['fim']; 

$usuarios = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM usuario LIMIT $inicio,$fim") or die(mysql_error());

I have already used ( int ) but it returns 0 ;

Mysql 5.7

asked by anonymous 28.05.2018 / 17:39

1 answer


Hello, you are reading from your Database, so use the "GET" method. See a little about http requests:

HTTP Requests

You should be trying to do this:

            type: 'GET',
            url: '',
            success: function(data)

<div id="IdDeUmaDiv"></div>

You can do this in an easier way! Use jquery's load! Create a simple page for results and just load the div when you need it! Here's how it's simple:

<a onclick="$('#IdDeUmaDiv').load('url');">Buscar</a>

You can pass the parameters through the url and pick up the file using $ _GET ["parameter_name"];

Your SQL is wrong! See a little how it works! Do not use "Limit" for this Use BETWEEN! Here's how it works:


28.05.2018 / 19:16