Widget with weather forecast, does it appear on the page? [closed]


I am using this site for code generation to add on the site, after having done the requested process, nothing appears, does not generate error, does anyone know what could be wrong? appreciate link

asked by anonymous 23.07.2018 / 16:19

1 answer



I do not know if I understood your problem, but I was able to generate your code for the city of São Paulo with the settings that were on the screen.

<div id="c_1bc68b4bece7478577e7f1eab6a90177" class="normal"></div><script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.clima.com/widget/widget_loader/1bc68b4bece7478577e7f1eab6a90177"></script>


Tried the basics: change your browser, use a known city, unlock pop-ups?


23.07.2018 / 16:27