Help with installing php 7.0 on ubuntu as video tutorial [closed]


Following this video tutorial link . Already at the beginning of the change of default, the changes made to the default, the nginx default index should be "subscribed" by the index.php configured more for some reason nothing changes even after the suggested settings in the video does anyone have any suggestions? I can not make the settings correctly. And I've already formatted the machine to reset the settings, because the last time I tried it or the localhost was loading in the browsers. I use mint distribution 18.3 The contents of my default follow this link only way I could paste the code the way it is without breaking. link

Only thing I changed in php.ini was the line where it was written cgi.fix_pathinfo = 0, which was commented out and with a value of 1 and I removed the comment and put zero according to the tutorials I followed for the correction to work with php7.0-fpm.

asked by anonymous 09.04.2018 / 15:08

1 answer


I do not understand where you failed, but first, to edit php.ini in Nginx (remember this in Ubuntu uses FPM) edit this file (independent of the text editor):

  • /etc/php5/fpm/php.ini

It is mandatory to use sudo or su

If you added some extension or edited something in the php.ini it is necessary to restart FPM, otherwise it will not take effect, like this:

sudo systemctl restart php7.0-fpm
09.04.2018 / 15:50