How to integrate webservice with real estate website?


I am a programmer but I did not do the programming logic part and I am having difficulty with a certain subject. I need to integrate real estate information into a website through data contained in a web-service. The integration manual is this and I need to understand what the manual is suggesting that I do.

The first thing I thought of doing was fetching the information via PHP so I could use it as a data source and feed my site. But then I started to read some things related to SOAP which for me is nothing more than the web-service authentication protocol, correct me if I am wrong.

I started to read some things also about XML and I thought ... does the system want me to generate a file xml or soap to later query it with PHP? But this work in PHP is no longer enough to I perform my tasks?

You can help me clarify what I really need to start my project, I do everything in the race, I know it's harder but I promise I'll start to keep a study routine.

In short:

    I noticed that the PHP I created as shown in this < "title=" link "> link is already the request with the method of authentication via SOAP, that is, it is already returning everything that is in the web-service.

    I noticed that the query is already being sent through this file containing its parameters, itself receiving the result of the request.

    Why should I create these files?
    I noticed that there is no need to create any additional files to receive the query result, this result is being received here .

The requested web-service returned 950 records with 175 fields each record in 10 seconds. Is it a good time?

asked by anonymous 06.09.2014 / 02:23

1 answer


I will try to explain in a didactic way. But details you will need to research the terms and standards.

When consuming data in WebServices of this type (in the document that you presented) you need with your PHP to ask a question so that the WS server understands what you want and responds correctly. Basically what is in the manual is the specification of how to ask the question to the webservice.

You will build an XML file containing the parameters of your question, standardized in the way the server requires. When you send this XML file to it using PHP with SOAP, WS will validate the document you sent and it will provide the response you need, it will return another XML with the requested data or a request error if it is the case .

06.09.2014 / 02:35