Wordpress Content


Is there the possibility of Wordpress bringing information from the bank without being in the form of Posts? If I wanted to make a "conventional" site how would I register and pull this information in WP?

asked by anonymous 22.09.2014 / 20:56

3 answers


A simple function to load page content into wordpress would look like this:

The function:

function get_first_page_content($id){
    $page_id = $id;
    $page_data = get_page($page_id);
    return $page_data->post_content;

And the call within the page:

<?php echo get_first_page_content($ID_PAGE);?>
22.09.2014 / 21:04

As I understand it, you want to know how to use custom database data, that is to do your own collection of information from tables, or even new tables that you need.

The necessary information on how to perform CRUD functions in wordpress can be found at: link

05.10.2014 / 16:32

You can create your custom tables inside the Wordpress database without any problem and feed them with forms and whatever you want, and then search for this information as easily with mysql , mysqli or pdo as desired.

Additionally, you would be making a clone of page.php and renaming it as page_custom.php and putting all required requisições , html and css into this php file, then go to the Wordpress in Pages, you will create a page and call it what you want and then go look for the page template where you will choose the template you created within page_custom.php ... example:


      /* Template name: Page Custom */

      Todo o meu código personalizado aqui.


Just as I said choose your model Page Custom within ...

Páginas > Nome da Minha Página > Dropdown Modelo de Página
22.09.2014 / 21:04