I have a matrix with 30 fixed values, I wanted to know how to generate these same 30 values, however random, if possible with value limit between (2400, 400).
How the array is currently:
private int[][] coordenadas = {
{ 2380, 29 },{ 2600, 59 },{ 1380, 89 },{ 780, 109},
{ 580, 139 },{ 880, 239 },{ 790, 259 },{ 760, 50 },
{ 790, 150 },{ 1980, 209 },{ 560, 45 },{ 510, 70 },
{ 930, 159 },{ 590, 80 },{ 530, 60 },{ 940, 59 },
{ 990, 30 },{ 920, 200 },{ 900, 259 },{ 660, 50 },
{ 540, 90 },{ 810, 220 },{ 900, 259 },{ 660, 50 },
{ 820, 128 },{ 490, 170 },{ 700, 30 },{ 920, 300 },
{ 856, 328 },{ 456, 320 }