Array reading with JSON


I have the following array:

    [xml] => {
        "orders": [ 
                "shipping_method":"Correios PAC",

                "shipping_address": {

                    "full_name":"Denis Moura",
                    "street":"Rua Sacadura Cabral",
                    "city":"Rio de Janeiro",
                    "phone":"21 3722-3902",


                "billing_address": {

                    "full_name":"Denis Moura",
                    "street":"Rua Sacadura Cabral",
                    "city":"Rio de Janeiro",
                    "phone":"21 3722-3902",


                "customer": {
                    "name":"Denis Moura",
                    "email":"[email protected]",
                        "21 3722-3902"

                        "name":"Carrinho Auxiliar CA-40",
                "status": {
                    "label":"Pagamento Pendente (SkyHub)",

    [httpcode] => 200

This array came from a GET request that I made. It gets stored in $ return.

$url = "";
$retorno = $this->get_b2w($url);

I actually expected $ return to come as a string, to give:

$retorno = json_decode($retorno);

And receive the following JSON:

  "orders": [
      "code": "PedidoTeste-1508156986545",
      "channel": "PedidoTeste",
      "placed_at": "2017-10-16T10:29:46-02:00",
      "updated_at": "2017-10-16T10:29:46-02:00",
      "total_ordered": 155,
      "interest": 0,
      "discount": 0,
      "shipping_cost": 0,
      "shipping_method": "Correios PAC",
      "estimated_delivery": "2018-02-10T22:00:00-02:00",
      "estimated_delivery_shift": null,
      "shipping_address": {
        "full_name": "Denis Moura",
        "street": "Rua Sacadura Cabral",
        "number": "130",
        "detail": "",
        "neighborhood": "Centro",
        "city": "Rio de Janeiro",
        "region": "RJ",
        "country": "BR",
        "postcode": "20081262",
        "phone": "21 3722-3902",
        "secondary_phone": null
      "billing_address": {
        "full_name": "Denis Moura",
        "street": "Rua Sacadura Cabral",
        "number": "130",
        "detail": "",
        "neighborhood": "Centro",
        "city": "Rio de Janeiro",
        "region": "RJ",
        "country": "BR",
        "postcode": "20081262",
        "phone": "21 3722-3902",
        "secondary_phone": null
      "customer": {
        "name": "Denis Moura",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "date_of_birth": "1998-01-25",
        "gender": "male",
        "vat_number": "78732371683",
        "phones": [
          "21 3722-3902"
      "items": [
          "id": "CAPR-5001778435-",
          "product_id": "CA-1172191395-13500",
          "name": "Carrinho Auxiliar CA-40",
          "qty": 1,
          "original_price": 162.8,
          "special_price": 155
      "status": {
        "code": "payment_received",
        "label": "Aprovado (SkyHub)",
        "type": "APPROVED"
      "sync_status": "NOT_SYNCED",
      "invoices": [],
      "shipments": [],
      "payments": [
          "method": "CREDIT_CARD",
          "description": "Cartao",
          "parcels": 1,
          "value": 155

But I'm getting the Array shown above.

I'm trying to print the name and email of the customer of each order (in case this array only has 1 order, but could have several).

I'm trying to start with:

foreach($retorno["xml"]->orders as $pedido)
   echo $pedido->customer->name;
   echo $pedido->customer->email;

But I can not. What would be the correct form? I'm getting the error Trying to get property of non-object in the FOREACH line.

asked by anonymous 17.10.2017 / 14:22

1 answer


If you need to go through the requests, then foreach must iterate through the list of requests, not clients. Probably the "failure" you mentioned is an error saying that the array $retorno->xml->orders does not have the customers attribute, so only then should you be able to identify what is wrong the error message told you this).

The correct one would be:

// Percorre a lista de pedidos:
foreach($retorno["xml"]->orders as $pedido)
    echo $pedido->customer->name;
    echo $pedido->customer->email;
17.10.2017 / 14:28