Syntax error concatenation [closed]


My function returns the following error:


Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected string

How can I fix it?

function setarRegistro() {
    campos = "teste="+encodeURI(document.getElementById('teste').value).
asked by anonymous 19.07.2018 / 22:13

3 answers


Use "+" to concatenate in JavaScript, the "." is used to access the property or function of an object.

19.07.2018 / 22:24

In javascript the concatenation operator is +. Just replace the. by + as below.

function setarRegistro() {
   campos = "teste="+encodeURI(document.getElementById('teste').value)+
19.07.2018 / 22:23


In php you can concatenate with the "." in javascript should use "+" in your code are mixed.

function setarRegistro() {
    campos = "teste=" + encodeURI(document.getElementById('teste').value) +
    "&nome=" + encodeURI(document.getElementById('nome').value) +
    "&sobrenome=" + encodeURI(document.getElementById('sobrenome').value) +
    "&usuario=" + encodeURI(document.getElementById('usuario').value) +
    "&email=" + encodeURI(document.getElementById('email').value) +
    "&senha=" + encodeURI(document.getElementById('senha').value);
19.07.2018 / 22:23