How to convert HTML to JSON?


I have the following script:

function abreJanela(URL) {
location.href = URL; // se for popup utiliza o
<select name="paginas" onchange="javascript: abreJanela(this.value)">
<option value="#" selected>Selecione o Estado</option>
<option value="">BA</option>
<option value="">CE</option>
<option value="">DF</option>
<option value="">ES</option>
<option value="">GO</option>
<option value="">MG</option>
<option value="">MS</option>
<option value="">MT</option>
<option value="">PR</option>
<option value="">RS</option>
<option value="">SC</option>
<option value="">SP</option>
<option value="">TO</option>

I need it in JSON, I found something similar and very useful in this example: link

But in the example does not show what they have inside the file "json_demo_db_post.php" ... Can anyone help me ?? From what I figured out if I could get the contents of the "json_demo_db_post.php" file I can accomplish my goal.

asked by anonymous 05.03.2018 / 19:48

3 answers


Create a PHP document (eg pagina_com_json.php ) giving echo with content in JSON format:

echo '[
   { "UF": "BA", "pasta": "planilhas-3-2-7" },
   { "UF": "CE", "pasta": "planilhas-3-2-2" },
   { "UF": "DF", "pasta": "planilhas-3-2-3" }

Then you pull PHP content with Ajax, convert JSON object with JSON.parse() , mount options and insert into select :

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(){

   var http = false;
   http = new XMLHttpRequest();

   var url_="pagina_com_json.php";"GET", url_, true);
         var json = JSON.parse(http.responseText),
             html = '';

            html += '<option value="'+e.pasta+'">'+e.UF+'</option>';

         document.querySelector("select[name='paginas']").innerHTML += html;


Initially, leave select with only the first option , others will be inserted by Ajax above:

<select name="paginas" onchange="javascript: abreJanela(this.value)">
   <option value="#" selected>Selecione o Estado</option>
05.03.2018 / 20:49

Inside this file has a Json Encoded String

You can generate by php using the json_encode(); and can convert Arrays and Bank Returns

    $arr = array("MG"=>"","SP" => "");
    echo json_encode($arr);

The result will be as follows


This is probably what is in this file

But as mentioned above you can create your Json Manually In this link you will find the documentation on

An example create a MyFile.json file

and put something like this

    {"UF":"MG", "LINK":""}, 
    {"UF":"BA", "LINK":""}

and so on

05.03.2018 / 20:11

If I understand you want to turn JSON into HTML ...

You can create your json:

var json = [
    {UF: 'RS', link: ''},
    {UF: 'SP', link: ''},

Loop to read:

var op = ''
for(var i = 0; i < json.length; i++) {
    op += '<option value="' + json[i].link + '">' + json[i].UF + '</option>'

And use innerHTML to display:

document.getElementById('id_select').innerHTML = op
05.03.2018 / 19:59