Developed an application in WinForms C # in 03 layers with Access.MDB Database:
Now the questions so that the Application can be installed on the client and work correctly.
The files I send to the client are as follows:
1.1 - Executável winforms: Ex: MinhAplicação.exe
1.2 - DLL MODELS: Modelsapp.dll
1.3 - DLL DAL: Dalapp.dll
1.4 - DLL BLL: BLLlsapp.dll
1.5 - BD Access: database.mdb
Even the client having Office installed (in the case 2010) C # obliges me to install OLEDB 12.0 on the client.
Question: Is there any way for C # Application to recognize Client Office without having to install OLEDB 12.0
My Reports made with ReportViwer do not run on the client, unless I install Visual Studio on the client.
I've already tried to send Visual Studio's reportviwer.exe
, run-time . But C # requests the previously installed SQL CRL TYPES. This is tricky for the client.
Question: What files and procedures do I need for my application to install and run on the client?