Hello, I would like to extract some data from a website or even an example notebook
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-logo="https://i.imgur.com/rq9vXKI.jpg" group-title="FILMES",Mulher-Maravilha (2017)
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-logo="https://i.imgur.com/ftEGyMy.jpg" group-title="FILMES",Guardiões da Galáxia Vol. 2 (2017)
I would like to remove
"https://i.imgur.com/rq9vXKI.jpg", Mulher-Maravilha e http://cdnv4.ec.cx/RedeCanais/RedeCanais/RCFServer1/ondemand/MLHRMRVLHA.mp4
"https://i.imgur.com/ftEGyMy.jpg", Guardiões da Galáxia e http://cdnv4.ec.cx/RedeCanais/RedeCanais/RCFServer1/ondemand/GRDOESDGLXIAVL2.mp4
And send this to a separate DB and in order, already tried to use regular expression, but I can not, this would be a method to facilitate to send movies to the site, send a list and it already separates with your link to your image and your name, please someone help me !!! I do not care if I'm extracting from a file a site, just separate everything correctly and throw everything inside the db, thank you