What technologies can I use to create a PWA


I've already seen What are Progressive Web Apps? and google documentation, but I still have a question:

What technologies are available that can be used to create a progressive web application?

In addition, of course HTML, CSS and JS. For example, can I use PHP to create a PWA? I believe not since later the application will be run on a mobile without a local server, so that application would need internet access (going against one of the basics of PWA, running offline)

asked by anonymous 30.04.2018 / 22:10

3 answers


To create a PWA, you basically need HTML, JavaScript, and CSS.

In general, PWA is a Web App with Service Worker implemented allowing you to make your application offline and get push notification.

What makes your site a PWA are these concepts: link .

To accelerate the development of your application you can use frameworks such as: AngularJS, React etc. It is not required, it will only facilitate.

For the backend just use RESTful Web Service. Technology can be anyone!

04.05.2018 / 22:21

I believe that once you have a satisfying background to the javascript, you could focus on a framework to streamline the development of a PWA.

My opinion is to use VueJs for ease and low learning curve, it's my framework of choice, let's say haha.

Another tip, another framework I use, is the Quasar Framework. For me it is the best and most well documented tool. Very intuitive and easy to learn from examples, great community at discord.

Once you have a notion with VueJS and its plugins like: vue-router, vue-cli, vueX no doubt you can create a great PWA.

For offline storage, you could use a lib called localForage for this and after you get the connection to the internet, synchronize it with the bank of your choice, whether it is real-time (mongo, firebase) or not.

I'll leave the links to you at a glance and stay inside Vue and Quasar.

Vue-router Create routes for web pages.

Course I bought to deepen knowledge in vueJs and plugins

Note: It is in English, but you can send an email and negotiate a value well below what they ask, they are very solicitous and they helped me in this matter.

Vuex is state management, great for when the application begins to grow and helps in scalability, organizing better the components and the interactions between them.

Quasar Framework

If you really choose to use vueJs and quasar, here is the link of the discord for possible questions, speaking directly to the community and its developers.

05.05.2018 / 16:25

You can, for example, use ionic to create your PWA and use any WEB programming language to create a Rest API on the back end. With Angular you can integrate with native mobile features and save data offline and if necessary synchronize with your backend when you have a connection.

03.05.2018 / 22:35