Merge executable C #


I have 2 Exe programs and I would like to merge.

1 Management Software Exe

2 MongoDB EXE

For 1 EXE to work, MongoDB must be fully configured with the bank deployed on specific directories. Currently the settings and installation of MongoDB is done manually.

I would like to create an Executable only !!! where the same Install MongoDB > Create DB Folder > Creates Path of Mongo DB > Transfer the Database to MongoDB > Start the MongoDB Service > (AND NOW THAT EXECUTE 1 MANAGEMENT EXCHANGE SFW) STANDARD 1 EXE INSTALLATION.

What I got to do. I was able to just bring the executables through Button1 (1.exe) and Button2 (2.exe) (I've been able to embed [embedded exe] them in Project C # within resources and call them through the button).

What is the best way to create a SETUP that includes two EXE.

Type the website

asked by anonymous 04.12.2018 / 03:11

1 answer


Good morning, my friend,

It's simple, create an application that first runs the MongoDb configurator, using WaitForExit() . Right after you can run the Management Software installer. It follows the logic of WaitForExit() .

var process = Process.Start(...);

Documentation: link

Note: To verify installation 1, you can check whether it exists on the computer or the existence of a folder.

04.12.2018 / 10:18