What is OraOLEDB? What is your role?
For example, there is an error here in the work system that only appears the OraOLEDB error, what are the reasons?
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OraOLEDB is an OLEDB standard driver for connecting to Oracle databases.
If this message appears in your business application, the most likely is that the bank is down, falling or is too busy processing slow queries.
Long explanation
First, understand that OLEDB is an API developed by Microsoft based on the Component Object Model (COM), a model Microsoft invented to ensure interoperability between applications. This API represents a COM interface library that allows universal access to a variety of data sources, including non-SQL data sources such as Microsoft Excel, Exchange Mail Server, and Directory Services. p>
The OLEDB design focuses on the concept of consumer and provider.
Each provider implements a set of COM interface standards to handle consumer requests. A manufacturer can implement optional COM interfaces to add even more functionality to its provider.
OraOLEDB is an implementation of an OLEDB provider for Oracle database access.
See the Oracle diagram illustrating the OLEDB flow.
