I'm sending this xml to the e-social webservice but it always has the same message:
You can help me by taking a look at xml.
The submitted document is not a valid eSocial xml. There is no tag with namespace link )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlnssd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlnssi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:ns6153="http://tempuri.org"><SOAP-ENV:Body>
<eSocial xmlns="http://www.esocial.gov.br/schema/lote/eventos/envio/v1_1_1">
<envioLoteEventos grupo="1">
<tpInsc>1</tpInsc> <ideTransmissor> </ ideEmpregador>
<nrInsc> 23111341 </ nrInsc>
<tpInsc> 1 </ tpInsc>
<nrInsc> 23111341000190 </ nrInsc>
</ ideTransmissor>
<evento Id = "ID1231113410001902018030510140000001">
<eSocial xmlns = "http://www.esocial.gov.br/schema/ Evt / evtInfoEmpregador / v02_02_02 ">
<evtInfoEmpregador Id =" ID1231113410001902018030510140000001 ">
<tpAmb> 2 </ tpAmb>
<procEmi> 1 </ procEmi>
<verProc> 1.0 </ verProc>
</ ideEvento>
< tpInsc> 1 </ tpInsc>
<nrInsc> 23111341000190 </ nrInsc>
</ ideEmpregador>
<iniValid> 2018-03 </ iniValid>
</ idePeriodo>
<nmRazao> NOME EMPRESA ME </ nmRazao>
<classTrib> 01 </ classTrib>
<natJurid> 2240 </ natJurid>
<indCoop> 0 </ indCoop>
<indConstr> 0 </ indConstr>
<indDesFolha> 0 </ indDesFolha>
<indOptRegEletron> 1 </ indOptRegEletron>
<multTabRubricas> N </ multTabRubricas>
<indEntEd> N </ indEntEd>
<indEtt> N </ indEtt>
<nmCtt> Nome do Contato </ nmCtt>
<cpfCtt> 12345678909 < / cpfCtt>
<foneFixo> 1123452345 </ foneFixo>
<email> [email protected] </ email>
</ contato>
<cnpjSoftHouse> 12345678000195</cnpjSoftHouse>
<nmRazao>Nome da Software House</nmRazao>
<nmCont>Nome do Contato</nmCont>
<telefone> 1123452345 </ telefone>
<email> [email protected] </ email>
</ softwareHouse
<situacaoPJ> <indSitPJ> 0 </ indSitPJ>
</ situacaoPJ>
</ infoComplementares>
</ infoCadastro>
</ inclusao>
</ infoEmpregador>
</ evtInfoEmpregador>
<Assinatura xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">
<SignedInfo> <CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm = "http: // www .w3.org / TR / 2001 / REC-xml-c14n-20010315 "/>
<SignatureMethod Algorithm =" http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#rsa-sha1 "/>
<Reference URI = "#">
< Transforma>
<Transform Algorithm = "http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#enveloped-signature" />
<Algoritmo de transformação = "http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xml-c14n-20010315" />
</ Transforms>
<DigestMethod Algorithm = "http://www.w3.org/2000/ 09 / xmldsig # sha1 "/>
<DigestValue> Haor6NuS2GAGAnwZaeTSjc4kgjo = </ DigestValue>
</ Reference>
</ SignedInfo> <SignatureValue> <SignatureValue> <KeyInfo> <X509Data> <X509Certificate> </ X509Certificate> </ X509Data> </ KeyInfo> </ Signature>
</ eSocial>
</ evento>
</ eventos>
</ envioLoteEventos>
</ eSocial> </ SOAP-ENV: Corpo> </ SOAP-ENV: Envelope>