What is the best way to create a cross-platform game? [closed]



I wanted to know the best way to create a cross-platform game (iOS, Android, ...).

I've already researched the subject and I've crushed Cocos2d-x, what do you think about this framework?

asked by anonymous 04.07.2016 / 18:15

2 answers


Unity3D is a complete, cross-platform game engine with comprehensive documentation. You can download this site:


In Microsoft Virtual Academy they have some free tutorials. I do not know if they are good, but if you want to see:


04.07.2016 / 18:27

Good afternoon my dear. The issue of the engine is really important, there are several in the market, you have to see the one that will suit what you intend to do, I think Unity 3D is easy to handle, there's CoronaSDK that I do not know much about. But your question was kind of comprehensive, the best way would be to choose the theme of the game until the technical part, I would tell you first define how your game will be, make prototypes on paper, and do not change what will be last minute. Big hug.

04.07.2016 / 18:22