how to put this in an html document [closed]


I have the following code snippets:


<h1>CSS 3D FLIP BOX</h1>
<h3>Flipping content to a div (Transitions and 3D Transforms)</h3>

<div class="wrapper">
      <div class="col_third">
        <div class="hover panel">
          <div class="front">
            <div class="box1">
              <p>Front Side</p>
          <div class="back">
            <div class="box2">
              <p>Back Side</p>

        <div class="col_third">
        <div class="hover panel">
          <div class="front">
            <div class="box1">
              <p>Front Side</p>
          <div class="back">
            <div class="box2">
              <p>Back Side</p>

        <div class="col_third end">
        <div class="hover panel">
          <div class="front">
            <div class="box1">
              <p>Front Side</p>
          <div class="back">
            <div class="box2">
              <p>Back Side</p>


body {
    background-color: #ecf0f1;
    margin: 20px;
    font-family: Arial, Tahoma; 
    font-size: 20px; 
    color: #666666; 
    text-align: center; 
p { color: #ffffff;  }

/* Column Grids */
/*-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= */

.col_half { width: 49%; }
.col_third { width: 32%; }
.col_fourth { width: 23.5%; }
.col_fifth { width: 18.4%; }
.col_sixth { width: 15%; }
.col_three_fourth { width: 74.5%;}
.col_twothird{ width: 66%;}
    position: relative;
    display: inline-block;
    float: left;
    margin-right: 2%;
    margin-bottom: 20px;
.end { margin-right: 0 !important; }

/*-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- */
/* Flip Panel */
/*-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- */

.wrapper{ width: 980px; margin: 0 auto;  background-color: #bdd3de; hoverflow: hidden;}

.panel {
    margin: 0 auto;
    height: 130px;  
    position: relative;
    -webkit-perspective: 600px;
    -moz-perspective: 600px;

.panel .front,
.panel .back {
    text-align: center;

.panel .front {
    height: inherit;
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    z-index: 900;
    text-align: center;
    -webkit-transform: rotateX(0deg) rotateY(0deg);
       -moz-transform: rotateX(0deg) rotateY(0deg);
    -webkit-transform-style: preserve-3d;
       -moz-transform-style: preserve-3d;
    -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;
       -moz-backface-visibility: hidden;
    -webkit-transition: all .4s ease-in-out;
       -moz-transition: all .4s ease-in-out;
        -ms-transition: all .4s ease-in-out;
         -o-transition: all .4s ease-in-out;
            transition: all .4s ease-in-out;

.panel .back {
    height: inherit;
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    z-index: 1000;
    -webkit-transform: rotateY(-180deg);
       -moz-transform: rotateY(-180deg);
    -webkit-transform-style: preserve-3d;
       -moz-transform-style: preserve-3d;
    -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;
       -moz-backface-visibility: hidden;
    -webkit-transition: all .4s ease-in-out;
       -moz-transition: all .4s ease-in-out;
        -ms-transition: all .4s ease-in-out;
         -o-transition: all .4s ease-in-out;
            transition: all .4s ease-in-out;
.panel.flip .front {
    z-index: 900;
    -webkit-transform: rotateY(180deg);
    -moz-transform: rotateY(180deg);
.panel.flip .back {
    z-index: 1000;
    -webkit-transform: rotateX(0deg) rotateY(0deg);
    -moz-transform: rotateX(0deg) rotateY(0deg);
    background-color: #14bcc8;
    width: 250px;
    height: 150px;
    margin: 0 auto;
    padding: 20px;
    border-radius: 10px;
    -moz-border-radius: 10px;
    -webkit-border-radius: 10px;
    background-color: #ff7e70;
    width: 250px;
    height: 150px;
    margin: 0 auto;
    padding: 20px;
    border-radius: 10px;
    -moz-border-radius: 10px;
    -webkit-border-radius: 10px;


        // set up hover panels
        // although this can be done without JavaScript, we've attached these events
        // because it causes the hover to be triggered when the element is tapped on a touch device

I'm having difficulty and would like to know how to merge and save these snippets into a html file, to be used in a browser.

asked by anonymous 02.07.2016 / 15:11

2 answers


It's almost just copy / paste, and put in the right places. In this case I added from <!DOCTYPE html> to </head> , and within <head> I placed css (also inside the tag <style> ), I also added the dependency for JS (javascript) can be executed: <script src=""integrity="sha256-BbhdlvQf/xTY9gja0Dq3HiwQF8LaCRTXxZKRutelT44=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> . Within the tag below, also <script> , puts the JS that developed. And finally we closed the tag <body> ( </body> ) and </html> .

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>YO PEDRO</title>
      body {
        background-color: #ecf0f1;
        margin: 20px;
        font-family: Arial, Tahoma; 
        font-size: 20px; 
        color: #666666; 
        text-align: center; 
      p { color: #ffffff;  }

      /* Column Grids */
      /*-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= */

      .col_half { width: 49%; }
      .col_third { width: 32%; }
      .col_fourth { width: 23.5%; }
      .col_fifth { width: 18.4%; }
      .col_sixth { width: 15%; }
      .col_three_fourth { width: 74.5%;}
      .col_twothird{ width: 66%;}
        position: relative;
        display: inline-block;
        float: left;
        margin-right: 2%;
        margin-bottom: 20px;
      .end { margin-right: 0 !important; }

      /*-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- */
      /* Flip Panel */
      /*-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- */

      .wrapper{ width: 980px; margin: 0 auto;  background-color: #bdd3de; hoverflow: hidden;}

      .panel {
        margin: 0 auto;
        height: 130px;  
        position: relative;
        -webkit-perspective: 600px;
        -moz-perspective: 600px;

      .panel .front,
      .panel .back {
        text-align: center;

      .panel .front {
        height: inherit;
        position: absolute;
        top: 0;
        z-index: 900;
        text-align: center;
        -webkit-transform: rotateX(0deg) rotateY(0deg);
           -moz-transform: rotateX(0deg) rotateY(0deg);
        -webkit-transform-style: preserve-3d;
           -moz-transform-style: preserve-3d;
        -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;
           -moz-backface-visibility: hidden;
        -webkit-transition: all .4s ease-in-out;
           -moz-transition: all .4s ease-in-out;
          -ms-transition: all .4s ease-in-out;
           -o-transition: all .4s ease-in-out;
            transition: all .4s ease-in-out;

      .panel .back {
        height: inherit;
        position: absolute;
        top: 0;
        z-index: 1000;
        -webkit-transform: rotateY(-180deg);
           -moz-transform: rotateY(-180deg);
        -webkit-transform-style: preserve-3d;
           -moz-transform-style: preserve-3d;
        -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;
           -moz-backface-visibility: hidden;
        -webkit-transition: all .4s ease-in-out;
           -moz-transition: all .4s ease-in-out;
          -ms-transition: all .4s ease-in-out;
           -o-transition: all .4s ease-in-out;
            transition: all .4s ease-in-out;
      .panel.flip .front {
        z-index: 900;
        -webkit-transform: rotateY(180deg);
        -moz-transform: rotateY(180deg);
      .panel.flip .back {
        z-index: 1000;
        -webkit-transform: rotateX(0deg) rotateY(0deg);
        -moz-transform: rotateX(0deg) rotateY(0deg);
        background-color: #14bcc8;
        width: 250px;
        height: 150px;
        margin: 0 auto;
        padding: 20px;
        border-radius: 10px;
        -moz-border-radius: 10px;
        -webkit-border-radius: 10px;
        background-color: #ff7e70;
        width: 250px;
        height: 150px;
        margin: 0 auto;
        padding: 20px;
        border-radius: 10px;
        -moz-border-radius: 10px;
        -webkit-border-radius: 10px;
  <h1>CSS 3D FLIP BOX</h1>
  <h3>Flipping content to a div (Transitions and 3D Transforms)</h3>

  <div class="wrapper">
        <div class="col_third">
          <div class="hover panel">
            <div class="front">
              <div class="box1">
                <p>Front Side</p>
            <div class="back">
              <div class="box2">
                <p>Back Side</p>

      <div class="col_third">
          <div class="hover panel">
            <div class="front">
              <div class="box1">
                <p>Front Side</p>
            <div class="back">
              <div class="box2">
                <p>Back Side</p>

      <div class="col_third end">
          <div class="hover panel">
            <div class="front">
              <div class="box1">
                <p>Front Side</p>
            <div class="back">
              <div class="box2">
                <p>Back Side</p>
     <script src=""integrity="sha256-BbhdlvQf/xTY9gja0Dq3HiwQF8LaCRTXxZKRutelT44=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
            // set up hover panels
            // although this can be done without JavaScript, we've attached these events
            // because it causes the hover to be triggered when the element is tapped on a touch device
02.07.2016 / 15:21

Basically just use the tags. To begin, everything would have to be between the <html></html> tags. (Remember that to indicate the end of a HTML tag, </ is used).

With <html> created, you add <head> and <body> , within <head> , add <style> to put code CSS , and <style> to JS . And within <body> the HTML part.

Save the file with .html at the end, example: exemplo.html

The complete code looks like this:

            body {
                background-color: #ecf0f1;
                margin: 20px;
                font-family: Arial, Tahoma; 
                font-size: 20px; 
                color: #666666; 
                text-align: center; 
            p { color: #ffffff;  }

            /* Column Grids */
            /*-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= */

            .col_half { width: 49%; }
            .col_third { width: 32%; }
            .col_fourth { width: 23.5%; }
            .col_fifth { width: 18.4%; }
            .col_sixth { width: 15%; }
            .col_three_fourth { width: 74.5%;}
            .col_twothird{ width: 66%;}
                position: relative;
                display: inline-block;
                float: left;
                margin-right: 2%;
                margin-bottom: 20px;
            .end { margin-right: 0 !important; }

            /*-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- */
            /* Flip Panel */
            /*-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- */

            .wrapper{ width: 980px; margin: 0 auto;  background-color: #bdd3de; hoverflow: hidden;}

            .panel {
                margin: 0 auto;
                height: 130px;  
                position: relative;
                -webkit-perspective: 600px;
                -moz-perspective: 600px;

            .panel .front,
            .panel .back {
                text-align: center;

            .panel .front {
                height: inherit;
                position: absolute;
                top: 0;
                z-index: 900;
                text-align: center;
                -webkit-transform: rotateX(0deg) rotateY(0deg);
                   -moz-transform: rotateX(0deg) rotateY(0deg);
                -webkit-transform-style: preserve-3d;
                   -moz-transform-style: preserve-3d;
                -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;
                   -moz-backface-visibility: hidden;
                -webkit-transition: all .4s ease-in-out;
                   -moz-transition: all .4s ease-in-out;
                    -ms-transition: all .4s ease-in-out;
                     -o-transition: all .4s ease-in-out;
                        transition: all .4s ease-in-out;

            .panel .back {
                height: inherit;
                position: absolute;
                top: 0;
                z-index: 1000;
                -webkit-transform: rotateY(-180deg);
                   -moz-transform: rotateY(-180deg);
                -webkit-transform-style: preserve-3d;
                   -moz-transform-style: preserve-3d;
                -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;
                   -moz-backface-visibility: hidden;
                -webkit-transition: all .4s ease-in-out;
                   -moz-transition: all .4s ease-in-out;
                    -ms-transition: all .4s ease-in-out;
                     -o-transition: all .4s ease-in-out;
                        transition: all .4s ease-in-out;
            .panel.flip .front {
                z-index: 900;
                -webkit-transform: rotateY(180deg);
                -moz-transform: rotateY(180deg);
            .panel.flip .back {
                z-index: 1000;
                -webkit-transform: rotateX(0deg) rotateY(0deg);
                -moz-transform: rotateX(0deg) rotateY(0deg);
                background-color: #14bcc8;
                width: 250px;
                height: 150px;
                margin: 0 auto;
                padding: 20px;
                border-radius: 10px;
                -moz-border-radius: 10px;
                -webkit-border-radius: 10px;
                background-color: #ff7e70;
                width: 250px;
                height: 150px;
                margin: 0 auto;
                padding: 20px;
                border-radius: 10px;
                -moz-border-radius: 10px;
                -webkit-border-radius: 10px;

        <!-- Necessário para que o Script funcione -->
        <script src=""integrity="sha256-BbhdlvQf/xTY9gja0Dq3HiwQF8LaCRTXxZKRutelT44=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

                // set up hover panels
                // although this can be done without JavaScript, we've attached these events
                // because it causes the hover to be triggered when the element is tapped on a touch device
        <h1>CSS 3D FLIP BOX</h1>
        <h3>Flipping content to a div (Transitions and 3D Transforms)</h3>

        <div class="wrapper">
              <div class="col_third">
                <div class="hover panel">
                  <div class="front">
                    <div class="box1">
                      <p>Front Side</p>
                  <div class="back">
                    <div class="box2">
                      <p>Back Side</p>

                <div class="col_third">
                <div class="hover panel">
                  <div class="front">
                    <div class="box1">
                      <p>Front Side</p>
                  <div class="back">
                    <div class="box2">
                      <p>Back Side</p>

                <div class="col_third end">
                <div class="hover panel">
                  <div class="front">
                    <div class="box1">
                      <p>Front Side</p>
                  <div class="back">
                    <div class="box2">
                      <p>Back Side</p>

Well, that's it, any questions please.


02.07.2016 / 15:23