Hello, I have an order inquiries, where I just wanted to show the orders for the current day and also the next day's orders, where the next day's orders would only appear the ones that would have to be delivered at 8am.
Hello, I have an order inquiries, where I just wanted to show the orders for the current day and also the next day's orders, where the next day's orders would only appear the ones that would have to be delivered at 8am.
//Query para os pedidos do dia
$pedidos_do_dia = 'select * from pedidos where data_pedido = CURDATE();';
//Query para os pedidos de amanha
// $amanha = date("Y")+"-"+date("d")+"-"+date("d")+" 08:00:00"
# linha com o concatenador errado
$amanha = date("Y")."-".date("m")."-".(date("d")+1)." 08:00:00"
//Linha com o concatenador correto
$pedidos_amanha = "select * from pedidos where data_pedido = $amanha;";
Now just run the selects and show the results wherever you like.