Android - Which data technologies, SQL ?, no SQL ?, local database + server database? [closed]


What good practices are used to supply, store, flow, data, in a Android application?

For example, the app EasyTaxi , iFood , among others:

  • What is the need / advantage of a local database (what information is ideal for using a database, such as SQLite )?;
  • What application scenario in which the use of a shared database on a server for the large control of information flow (This would be an implementation of in SQL )?;
  • These apps have two login types, one for the app and one for facebook, how authentication data is managed to maintain the fidelity that the user logging into the app is the same as logging on the facebook api?;

  • EasyTaxi has one module for the Taxi Driver and one for the passenger, which Data Technology is used to supply, store, flow, between one module and the other? >

Really know the best way for this to happen and which technologies to use in a scenario where the app covers a large flow of information and at the same time maintain the fidelity of the messages exchanges of the app, between the modules, the user, the server, it is important, I know how to do this with Delphi , but mobile is brand new and everything is very beautiful.

I have read and used a little mongoDb , nodeJS , relational database, facebook api, but I want to know the straight path, after all we are accurate and this reference is very important.

asked by anonymous 07.12.2015 / 16:59

1 answer



I'll talk about the apps I've developed.


What is the need / advantage of a local database (which   information is ideal for using a database, for example,   SQLite)?;

I used local bank for data that does not change, such as app user data like Height, Age, Name, Sex.


What scenario of the application where the use of a database   shared on a server for the large flow control of   (This would be an implementation of in SQL)?;

When you need to share data between all users of the app, or when they need to consume data on the web, such as accessing the balance of some service.


These apps, they have 2 login types, one from the app and another from the   how authentication is managed to maintain   fidelity that the user who is logging into the app is the same as log   using facebook's api?;

When I used it, it could use OR application registration, OR use Facebook login, I can not tell you if it's easy to merge the two after created.


EasyTaxi has one module for the taxi driver and one for the passenger,   which Data technology is used to make the supply,   storage, flow, between one module and the other?

It has 2 modes

1 is based on the logged in user you show a different VIEW on Home, and Home will have the link for all views.

2 Create an APP for each module of the user module (Google PLay) and for ADM (Ad-Hoc) module

I've worked on 5 native android apps, this is what I have to experience, maybe someone knows how to tell you the best.

07.12.2015 / 17:36