I have this statement:
HiddenField vhdfCdTipoUsuario = null;
I have this assignment:
vhdfCdTipoUsuario = (HiddenField)e.Item.FindControl("hdfCdTipoUsuario");
If I do this, it gives this error:
if ((vhdfCdTipoUsuario.Value != Session["DsTipoUsuario"]) && (Session["DsTipoUsuario"] != null))
vhdfCdTipoUsuario.Value = Session["DsTipoUsuario"].ToString();
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
How do I resolve this? The error gives here:
vhdfCdTipoUsuario.Value = Session["DsTipoUsuario"].ToString();
The Session is ok (populated). How do I work with variables of type HiddenField
How do I assign value to this type of variable? I have already removed the ToString () from the Session and still tilt.
Here is the complete code:
protected void rptGerenciaProcessos_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
HiddenField vhdfCdTipoUsuario = null;
LinkButton vlkbPriorizar = null;
string teste = "";
//Instâncias e Inicializalções
vhdfCdTipoUsuario = (HiddenField)e.Item.FindControl("hdfCdTipoUsuario");
vlkbPriorizar = (LinkButton)e.Item.FindControl("lkbPriorizar");
teste = Session["DsTipoUsuario"].ToString();
if ((vhdfCdTipoUsuario != Session["DsTipoUsuario"]) && (Session["DsTipoUsuario"] != null))
vhdfCdTipoUsuario.Value = teste;
if (vhdfCdTipoUsuario != null)
if (int.Parse(vhdfCdTipoUsuario.Value) != 2 )
if (vlkbPriorizar != null)
vlkbPriorizar.Enabled = false;
catch (Exception Ex)
Mensagem = (wucMensagens)Page.Master.FindControl("wucMasterMensagens");
Mensagem.ExibirMensagem(wucMensagens.TipoAlerta.Erro, Ex.Source, Ex.Message, Ex.StackTrace);