DataGridView - Add If (Sum If)


I'm creating software in VB to analyze the balancing of jobs in factories. The software has a DataGridView as follows:


I do not have much experience with the logic involved, but I know you can do this type of chart quickly using Dynamic Chart in Excel.

I would like to ask for directions of how to read the row-by-row data from the DataGridView, group them correctly, and in what type of variable, so you can pass them as arguments correctly to the Chart control in Visual Basic

asked by anonymous 06.11.2016 / 23:50

1 answer


There are several ways to do this, however your question does not clarify some details, for example how your DataGridView is populated. Is it bound to any data source, for example, a DataTable or DataView? Or are you retrieving this information and populating each DataGridViewRow directly? I believe that your best option is to start from this data and prepare objects containing the filters and queries that interest you, and based on them define the display parameters of the Chart. Now to say how exactly doing this would depend on directly parsing the code and data that you are using. I do not know if it helps, but I found a tutorial on Chart in Portuguese: link

07.11.2016 / 17:44