How to prevent and remedy when a web server crashes?


I would like your experience.

I currently use a server that is very unstable. For many times his FTP falls, and this week the server was gone for 2 days.

The problem is that we do not know when a server will crash and the site will be down. For this reason I would like to know what steps I should take to prevent this kind of event, and what to do when I fall.

Of course, when it comes to host failure, there is nothing to do, and then I would have to go to remediation, but I think of using a monitoring tool to measure traffic and things, so I can know in advance the " problems. "

I also think that the best way to remedy is to have a host on hold, so if something happens, I'll change the DNS address for the new host and my site goes live.

What would you do to prevent and remedy this kind of thing?

asked by anonymous 17.06.2016 / 20:09

1 answer


Changing DNS servers generates waiting time for update. I understand the solution is to have a more reliable server. I would investigate the cause.

But to monitor if a hostname is on the air use a service and online monitoring. For example, the Uptime Robot: link

Orthe link

Find on Google by: website monitoring ( link )

17.06.2016 / 21:24