Which function to use


As a beginner in Excel, I'm having trouble using a function that I believe is the solution to what I want, the function (SE).

This is the following, I have a sum of values that start from 54 and goes to 317. I want to break these values into 8 (eight) classes that look like this: 54 to 86 from 87 to 119 from 120 to 152 153 to 185 from 186 to 218 from 219 to 251 from 252 to 284 and from 285 to 317.

To these classes I gave "weights", type weight 1 to weight 8. I would like Excel to identify which class belongs to classify in the weight that I determine, example 54 to 86 equal to weight 1.

asked by anonymous 10.10.2016 / 20:20

2 answers


If your column of values is in A:A , starting with A2 fill in column B with:

B1 = 1 and the other cells, starting from B2 =SE(MOD((A2-53); 33)=0;B1+1;B1)

10.10.2016 / 20:27

You can create a table with values and use a PROCV to look up the value within the range and its corresponding

   A     B     C     D     E     F     G     H     I
 1    |     |     |     | MIN | MAX | VAL |     |     |
 2    |  70 |     |     |  54 |  86 |  1  |     |     |
 3    | FRM |     |     |  87 | 119 |  2  |     |     |
 4    |     |     |     | 120 | 152 |  3  |     |     |

The formula that goes in "FRM" is:


A2 = Is the cell where is the value that you want to find the weight

E2: G4 = Is the range where the values are

3 = Is the index where the weight you are looking for

TRUE = Means you want to search for exact and non-approximate values

10.10.2016 / 20:37