DynamicReports Dynamic Graphics Generation


Hello, I made some reports with DynamicReports link , when looking for how to make graphics I found several examples, but none with the data (shown in the graph) being fetched from a Banco de Dados . In my reports according to the selection on the screen I add the columns (as per code below):

 if (jRadioCodigo.isSelected() == true) {
            report.columns(Columns.column("Código", "id", DataTypes.integerType()));

My query also changes depending on the screen selections (as per the code below):

 if (jComboBoxPessoa.getSelectedIndex() != 0) {
            queryNome = "and pes.nomePessoa= '" + jComboBoxPessoa.getSelectedItem().toString() + "'";

String query = "select pes.nomePessoa, pes.idPessoa from pessoa pes "

String queryFinal=query + queryNome

The idea is to graph similarly in DynamicReports , or even JasperReports if it is possible. Does anyone have a link, an example that might help?

asked by anonymous 15.04.2016 / 13:25

1 answer


I was able to use this example of the link, adapting my need. link

07.05.2016 / 08:28