API Amazon Product Advertising


I'm using the third-party API (Nager.AmazonProductAdvertising) to fetch books and other items in the Amazon Catalog, when the application was in test it did not show any error, just put it on the air about 7 days later, started to return error "RequestThrottled" you need to be giving a 3 F5 on the page to appear the products, I already searched Amazon forums and say this error is many concurrent accesses ... (15 days on the air ???)

Does anyone know how to solve or circumvent this?

asked by anonymous 23.03.2018 / 13:46

1 answer


RequestThrottled is an Amazon way of avoiding making too many requests to your API in a short period of time (according to them, every 1 second, only 1 request is possible). It is a practice used to prevent DDOS attacks, for example, when requested many times the API will start denying access to requests that use the same network.

According to Amazon itself:


If your application is trying to submit requests that exceed the   maximum request for your account, you may receive error messages from   Product Advertising API. The request limit for each account is   based on revenue performance. Each account used to access   the Product Advertising API is allowed an initial usage limit of 1   request per second *. Each account will receive an additional 1 request   per second (up to a maximum of 10) for every $ 4,600 of shipped item   revenue driven in a 30-day trailing period (about $ 0.11 per minute).

Apparently the only way around this problem is to increase sales. I can not tell if Amazon accepts another way to increase the amount of request.


23.03.2018 / 14:08