How can I create a list


I need to create a list, where it will list all the existing items within an order.

In the method below I can bring an item, but I can not bring it if I have more than one. My question would be, do I have to create a method in code behind and in classe I do not know how lists logic works.

Code (note the line [ordered item]):

protected void ExibirProtocoloPedido(PedidoVenda objPed)
       PedidoVendaItens objItPed = new PedidoVendaItens();
       Produtos objProd = new Produtos();

    Session["pedEmpresa"] = objPed.PedEmpresa;
    Session["numPedido"] = objPed.PedNumero;
    Session["msgOfertas"] = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(objPed.pedMsgOfertas.ToString()) ? objPed.pedMsgOfertas.ToString() : "");            
    Session["itemPedido"] = objItPed.ItPProduto + " - " + objProd.ProdDescr + "/" + "Qtde.:" + objItPed.ItPQtde  + " / " + "Total:" + objItPed.ItPrecoComp;
    Session["msgMatApoio"] = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(objPed.pedMsgMatApoio.ToString()) ? objPed.pedMsgMatApoio.ToString() : "");
    Session["msgReorderGerado"] = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(objPed.pedMsgReorderGerado.ToString()) ? objPed.pedMsgReorderGerado.ToString() : "");
    Session["msgReorderAtendido"] = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(objPed.pedMsgReorderAtendido.ToString()) ? objPed.pedMsgReorderAtendido.ToString() : "");
    Session["msgReorderNaoAtendido"] = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(objPed.pedMsgReorderNaoAtendido.ToString()) ? objPed.pedMsgReorderNaoAtendido.ToString() : "");
    Session["msgPendencias"] = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(objPed.pedMsgPendencias.ToString()) ? objPed.pedMsgPendencias.ToString() : "");
    Session["valorPedido"] = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtValACobrar.Text) ? string.Format("{0:0,0.00}", txtValACobrar.Text) : "0");
    Session["statusPed"] = objPed.PedStatus;
    Session["formaPagto"] = objPed.PedForPgto;
    ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "", "ShowProtocolo();", true);
catch (Exception ex)
    throw ex;

The result that returns me from this method is:


2210 - Devione 125ML / Qty .: 1 / Total: 15.75

asked by anonymous 19.09.2017 / 15:15

2 answers


You need to create an object of type ListPurchaseItems


List<PedidoVendaItens> objLista = new List<PedidoVendaItens>();

Then use the Add method to add the items to the list.

19.09.2017 / 16:40

Dude, what I understood from the question is that you need to put a list of products inside the session. it is? If it is, you can not put the list as an object. You'll need to serialize your list. If this is the case, I recommend newtonsoft.

If this is not the question, can you clarify a little more?

19.09.2017 / 15:54