Failure to consume Webservice of NF-e 4.0 SEFAZ Ceará (CE)


After downloading the SEFAZ WSDLs from Ceará and testing the connection to the NFeStatusServico4 service I got the error:

Falha na solicitação com resposta vazia.

or in English

The request failed with an empty response

The new version of NF-e requests that the connection be TLS 1.2 and even after configuration, these communication errors were occurring. The strange thing is that after downloading the SEFAZ WSDLs from SP, sending to SP with the same code is working.

Note: I used .NET for testing and communication with webservices

asked by anonymous 31.07.2018 / 03:22

1 answer


When analyzing the processing and checking the processing log of the call, I realized the addresses within the WSDLs of the SEFAZ CE are wrong, for secure communication. So in order to work, I had to change the URL:


As requested by SEFAZ, I emailed them the problem.

31.07.2018 / 03:22