I wanted to make a magic square, where I put 9 numbers, and the sum of them has to result 15 (in the horizontal and vertical)


Good evening guys, I have this array:



importnumpyasnpimportrandomfromtabulateimporttabulatea=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]random.shuffle(a)data=np.reshape(a,(3,3))soma_horizontal=[]forlistaindata:soma_horizontal.append(sum(lista))soma_vertical=[]forxinrange(len(data)):soma=0forlistaindata:soma+=lista[x]soma_vertical.append(soma)indice=0forlistaindata:lista.extend(['\u2192',soma_horizontal[indice]])indice+=1setas_cima=['\u2191']*3data=[soma_vertical]+[setas_cima]+dataprint(tabulate(data,tablefmt="grid", stralign='center', numalign='center'))

The program running on repl:


asked by anonymous 25.12.2017 / 01:36

1 answer


Your question is not very clear, if you want a solution to this magic square (which is unlikely), or an algorithm that solves such a case.

  • If you want a solution, it's easy to find it on the internet link
  • If it is an algorithm to solve on Wikipedia it shows one for the 3x3 solution that is your case, if you want to extrapolate I believe that with an internet search it is simple to find.

The algorithm shown is as follows


Tips for solving the magic square 3x3:

  • The total you want to get in all directions should be divided by 3. Which will result in the number being placed in the center of the square.
  • The numbers to be placed in the corners should be even if the center is odd, or vice versa.
  • The last number to be placed should be the center plus 4.

    These rules are only valid if the numbers are multiples of 3. Eg 15, 18,   21, 24, 27, 30 etc.

    From this you just have to implement it.


    26.12.2017 / 07:10