PEX Programming: Event EditorTypeArtigos.AfterRowing always gives error


I'm working on a PEX interface extensibility project, in the following section: AfterSave .

The code:

Imports Primavera.Extensibility.BusinessEntities.ExtensibilityService.EventArgs
Imports Primavera.Extensibility.Integration.Modules.Base.Editors

Namespace Logistics
    Public Class EditorFichaArtigos
        Inherits Primavera.Extensibility.Base.Editors.FichaArtigos

        Public Overrides Sub DepoisDeGravar(Artigo As String, e As ExtensibilityEventArgs)
            MyBase.DepoisDeGravar(Artigo, e)
                MsgBox("Codigo Depois de gravar")
            Catch ex As Exception

            End Try
        End Sub

    End Class
End Namespace

As an example I added a message to debug.

The message is displayed, so the event apparently runs successfully. However, at the end ERP returns an error message:


'Spring.Extensibility.BusinessEntities.ExtensibilityService.EventArgs.ExtensibilityEventArgs'   does not contain a definition for 'ImplementationErrors'

What will it take to schedule this message not to occur?

asked by anonymous 23.10.2018 / 00:39

1 answer


It seems to me that in the base class Primavera.Extensibility.Base.Editors.FichaArtigos there is an abstract property or method called ImplementationErrors that you need to override with Overrides in your concrete class.

26.10.2018 / 11:45