Import github project into STS (Spring)


I'm having trouble importing a spring project from github, and I successfully import the project when it's in eclipse oxygen in the java (Desktop) perspective.

Import Used Procedure:

  • I go in the folder of my sts that are my projects
  • Use the init command

  • I use the remote add origin server command (Synchronize my git with github)

  • I use the clone command (to download my github project)

  • Import-> General-> Existing Projects in worckspace-> Select root directory

  • I go to the folder where I cloned the project



No projects are found to import

Project you would like to download

asked by anonymous 04.05.2018 / 23:45

1 answer


It was not important as it is a Maven project or it has to matter like Maven -> Existing Maven Projects

08.05.2018 / 19:12